Policies and Norms
Respect and Consideration
Please do NOT use flashing lights or strobing effects or zigzag/striped patterns in your background or on your screen to make the conference accessible for organizers and attendees with epilepsy and/or migraines.
There will be minors attending this conference so please be mindful of making this a welcoming event to people of all ages
Accountability Policy
When harm happens or when a conflict is unable to be resolved without a third-party, inform the monitor who will refer you to staff that have some skills around supporting accountability and conflict resolution.
The processes of accountability are still something that we are working on so we do not have the capacity to take on responsibility for effectively managing support and accountability for all harm that happens at the conference.
We do want to cultivate an environment where consequences for harm are not punitive or dismissing, but rather generative and justice-oriented.
If you have been informed that you have behaved in a way that is harmful we would ask that you take some time to reflect on what you did and listen. If you do not feel like the consequences are justified or you feel that you are on the receiving end of racist/ableist/misogynist/sizeist treatment please express this to the monitor.
Media Policy
In order to maintain the privacy and safety of participants we are NOT recording workshops or presentations. For the same reason we ask that you DO NOT take screenshots of your screen or record through zoom. If this conflicts with your access needs please let us know (live transcripts will be available on request).
Zoom Etiquette
Please add your pronouns to your screen name
If you are asked to introduce yourself, please briefly describe your appearance if you are on camera or describe your screen saver if you are not on camera.
Please say your name whenever you start speaking/signing and spell it when introducing yourself
Please spell and define all technical terms or proper nouns such as places, people’s names, jargon, brands, etc…
Please speak as clearly as you are able and with a volume level that everyone listening can hear
Please pace yourself and include pauses when speaking/signing to give your fellow attendees the opportunity to process and give the captioners/interpreters time to keep up
Please mute yourself when you are not speaking in order to prevent background noise or feedback